
The eStudy service provides a digitized study material accessible from a personal or library computer, tablet or phone. In such digitized material, it is easy to navigate, quickly find the needed articles, write notes on each important piece of information or underline it. All this in the personalized environment after logging in to the service pages.

Access to eStudy
Access to the eStudy service

On the eStudy pages, it is necessary to enter a personal university login: login name and password. After entering these data, the environment of the virtual study room is displayed, where it is possible to choose a document, book or magazine within the logically arranged study material. You can work live with the material – select interesting information, underline it, send it by e-mail, share it with friends, print it, add a note to it.

More than 300 publications are available. Some of them are also available for free study without the need to log in.